ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Fracture Toughness Measurement by Micro-Scratch Tests with Conical Indenter

  • 摘要: 利用Rockwell C金刚石压头对铜、聚碳酸酯、熔融石英和钠钙硅玻璃4种材料进行了微米划痕测试,这是国内首次利用划痕方法测量材料的断裂韧性. 研究表明:在划痕深度较浅时,必须要考虑压头顶端的球体区域,考虑和未考虑压头顶端球体区域时的压头形函数差别较大;考虑压头顶端的球体区域后,采用线弹性断裂力学(LEFM)模型评估断裂韧性的结果和能量尺寸效应(SEL)模型的计算结果接近,与单边切口梁(SENB)法、山形切口梁(CNB)法或压痕断裂(IF)法评估的断裂韧性相吻合,而未考虑压头顶端球体区域时计算断裂韧性的结果偏大;采用SEL模型评估断裂韧性时,按照投影接触面积等效的压头半顶角评估的断裂韧性相对按照周长等效的压头半顶角评估的断裂韧性误差更小,与LEFM模型的评估结果更接近.


    Abstract: Micro-scratch tests of copper, polycarbonate, fused silica and soda-lime-silica glass were carried out with Rockwell C diamond indenter. It is the first time in China that scratch method is used to measure fracture toughness of materials. The results show that when the scratch depth was relatively shallow, the spherical area at the top of the indenter must be considered. And the indenter shape function was quite different when the spherical area at the top of the indenter was not considered. After considering the spherical area at the top of the indenter, the fracture toughness by the linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) model is close to that by the energetic size effect law (SEL) model. The fracture toughness by LEFM is in good agreement with that by the single-edge notched beam (SENB) method and the chevron-notched beam (CNB) method or indentation fracture (IF) method. The calculation result was not good when the spherical area at the top of the indenter was not considered. When SEL model was used, the error of fracture toughness estimated by equivalent half-apex angle of projected contact area was smaller than that assessed by equivalent half-apex angle of the perimeter, which was close to that by LEFM model.


