ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



王茜, 韩素立, 郭峰, 李超

王茜, 韩素立, 郭峰, 李超. 接触角滞后与流体动压润滑的相关性研究[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2019, 39(3): 340-349. DOI: 10.16078/j.tribology.2019007
引用本文: 王茜, 韩素立, 郭峰, 李超. 接触角滞后与流体动压润滑的相关性研究[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2019, 39(3): 340-349. DOI: 10.16078/j.tribology.2019007
WANG Qian, HAN Suli, GUO Feng, LI Chao. Correlation between Contact Angle Hysteresis and Hydrodynamic Lubrication[J]. TRIBOLOGY, 2019, 39(3): 340-349. DOI: 10.16078/j.tribology.2019007
Citation: WANG Qian, HAN Suli, GUO Feng, LI Chao. Correlation between Contact Angle Hysteresis and Hydrodynamic Lubrication[J]. TRIBOLOGY, 2019, 39(3): 340-349. DOI: 10.16078/j.tribology.2019007


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51605239和51775286)资助
  • 中图分类号: TH117.2

Correlation between Contact Angle Hysteresis and Hydrodynamic Lubrication

Funds: The project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51605239 and 51775286)
More Information
    Corresponding author:

    HAN Suli: E-mail:, Tel: +86-13165008113

  • 摘要: 理论研究表明不同润湿性界面对流体动压润滑油膜厚度有着显著地影响,一般采用接触角(CA)来表征固液界面润湿性. 而由热力学原理推导出的界面势能垒理论模型不仅与接触角相关,也是接触角滞后(CAH)的函数. 本文作者通过对不同基体材料的滑块进行表面张力修饰,获得了不同亲和性的界面. 利用干涉法及荧光法分别测量了不同润湿性界面的流体动压润滑膜厚及油膜受剪切的流动特性,研究了接触角及接触角滞后两个界面参数对流体动压润滑油膜厚度的影响,并对势能垒与接触角滞后的关系进行了讨论. 结果表明:接触角与流体动压润滑油膜厚度的相关性较差,接触角滞后可以更好地表征界面效应对流体动压润滑油膜厚度的影响.
    Abstract: Theoretical studies have proved that different solid-liquid affinity surfaces have significant effects on hydrodynamic lubrication film. In general, contact angle (CA) is used to characterize the wettability of solid-liquid interface. However a theoretical model derived based on thermodynamic principles shows that the potential energy barrier of a surface is not only a function of contact angle, but also of another interfacial parameter, contact angle hysteresis (CAH). By modifying the surface of the slider, different affinity interfaces were obtained. The lubricating film thickness and the continuity of flow velocity were measured by a fixed-inclined slider bearing system using optical interference method and fluorescence method respectively. This study thus evaluated the two, CA and CAH, by conducting thin film hydrodynamic lubrication experiments with surfaces of hydrophilic and hydrophobic. Fundamental relation between the potential energy barrier and CAH was discussed. The results show that the correlation between CA and hydrodynamic lubrication oil film thickness was unsatisfactory. But CAH can better characterize the influence of interface effect on the hydrodynamic lubrication film thickness.
  • 图  1   面接触润滑油膜干涉测量系统

    Figure  1.   Test system for interferometry measurement of film thickness in conformal contacts

    图  2   PEG润滑油黏度及膜厚随时间的变化

    Figure  2.   Dynamic viscosity versus time of PEG lubricants

    图  3   不同润湿性界面干涉图

    Figure  3.   Interferogram of different wettability interfaces (PEG400,Steel/FAS,w=4 N)

    图  4   不同润湿性滑块表面膜厚速度曲线

    Figure  4.   Film thickness vs speed(PEG400,Steel/FAS,Steel/AF)

    图  5   不同润湿性滑块表面膜厚速度曲线

    Figure  5.   Film thickness vs speed(PAO10,Steel/FAS,Steel/ AF)

    图  6   油膜厚度与(a)接触角;(b)接触角滞后;(c)后退角;(d)cosθR-cosθA的关系

    Figure  6.   Correlation of film thickness and(a)contact angle;(b)contact angle hysteresis;(c)θR;(d)cosθR-cosθA

    图  7   不同润湿性界面膜厚随速度的变化曲线

    Figure  7.   Film thickness vs speed

    图  8   PAO10相对于Steel块与FAS块、Steel块与AF块界面的荧光漂白过程及其流速示意图

    Figure  8.   Fluorescence photobleaching process and flow of a liquid under shear(h=1.5 μm,u=0.5 mm/s)

    图  9   漂白中心相对运动距离随时间的变化曲线

    Figure  9.   Relative displacements of bleaching center over time

    图  10   不同润湿性界面的承载性能

    Figure  10.   Load-carrying capacity under different interfaces

    图  11   膜厚随轴承数变化曲线

    Figure  11.   Film thickness vs bearing number

    图  12   f(θ)与接触角的关系

    Figure  12.   f(θ) vs contact angle

    表  1   试验所用润滑油特性(@22℃)

    Table  1   Properties of lubricants used in the test (@22℃)

    LubricantDynamic viscosity,η/(mPa·s)Refractive index,N
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    表  2   试验所用PEG润滑油在滑块表面的接触角及接触角滞后

    Table  2   CA and CAH of the PEG lubricants on the slider surfaces

    Contact angle
    SteelPEG400$50.3_{ - 2.3}^{ + 3.2}$$28.9_{ - 6.3}^{ + 3.1}$
    FASPEG400$95.3_{ - 2.1}^{ + 3.2}$$13.5_{ - 4.4}^{ + 1.9}$
    AFPEG400$86.7_{ - 1.7}^{ + 0.8}$$28.8_{ - 3.1}^{ + 2.8}$
    SiO2PEG400$26.7_{ - 1.7}^{ + 3.8}$$33.2_{ - 2.5}^{ + 1.7}$
    SiO2+AFPEG400$87.5_{ - 1.1}^{ + 1.4}$$30.38_{ - 4.3}^{ + 4.1}$
    SteelPEG200$54.6_{ - 1.6}^{ + 1.4}$$29.4_{ - 2.7}^{ + 2.3}$
    FASPEG200$102.2_{ - 1.2}^{ + 0.8}$$10.8_{ - 2.3}^{ + 3.2}$
    SteelPEG600$47.5_{ - 5.0}^{ + 5.0}$$30.5_{ - 3.2}^{ + 2.1}$
    FASPEG600$94.1_{ - 1.6}^{ + 1.9}$$11.2_{ - 2.6}^{ + 2.1}$
    FASPAO10$70.2_{ - 2.2}^{ + 3.3}$$22.5_{ - 2.6}^{ + 2.7}$
    AFPAO10$57.6_{ - 5.0}^{ + 1.9}$$27.5_{ - 2.2}^{ + 2.1}$
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  • 收稿日期:  2019-01-08
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