ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Frictional Characteristic of Si3N4-Based Composite Ceramic Tool Materials by Microwave Sintering

  • 摘要: 采用微波烧结技术制备了一种氮化硅基复合陶瓷刀具材料,研究了其与三种不同属性的硬质材料(氮化硅、硬质合金和GCr15轴承钢)在不同载荷下对摩时的摩擦特性与磨损机理. 研究结果表明:当与氮化硅对摩时,磨损率最大且磨损率随载荷增大急速升高,磨损主要以脆性剥落形式存在;当与硬质合金对摩时,摩擦系数最小,随载荷增加磨损机理由磨粒磨损转变为磨粒磨损与疲劳磨损共同作用. 当与轴承钢对摩时,磨损率最小,因在摩擦过程中在磨痕表面形成金属黏着,其磨损率随载荷的增大而减小. 与商业的氮化硅陶瓷刀具材料相比,微波烧结氮化硅陶瓷刀具材料摩擦系数略有降低,磨损率降低了14.17%~59.49%.


    Abstract: A Si3N4-based composite ceramic tool material was fabricated by microwave sintering. Its tribological behaviors and wear mechanisms sliding against three counterpart materials (i.e. Si3N4, cement carbide and bearing steel GCr15) under the several applied loads were studied. The results show that in sliding against Si3N4, the wear rate was highest and increased rapidly with the increase of applied load. The wear was mainly in the form of brittle flaking. In sliding against cement carbide, the friction coefficient was lowest. Transition of wear mechanism from abrasive wear to abrasive and fatigue wear was observed by increasing the applied load. In sliding against bearing steel GCr15, the wear rate was smallest and decreased with the increase of applied load. This was due to the transferred metal formed on the surface of wear tracks. Compared with the commercial Si3N4 ceramic of SNGN120408, the coefficient of friction was slightly lower and the wear rate was reduced by about 14.17%~59.49%.


