ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Lubrication Characteristics of Double Rectangular Cavity Hydrostatic Bearing at High Speed

  • 摘要: 针对静压轴承运行过程中因工作转速(尤其是较高转速)的变化和内部流体受压摩擦发热导致油膜变薄,进而影响机械加工精度和运行可靠性的问题,采用动网格技术探索变黏度条件静压轴承高速时的油膜润滑特性. 该研究方法针对新型Q1-205双矩形腔静压推力轴承,建立了轴承油膜润滑特性理论分析模型,采用C语言编辑了用于控制边界层网格运动及变黏度的UDF程序,利用有限体积法仿真分析了该型号轴承在80、100、120、140、160、180和200 r/min高转速下的油膜动态性能,揭示出高转速下膜厚变化对油腔温度、压力、流速、封油边处流量的影响规律. 最后,通过设计试验测试了一定载荷下不同转速时的油膜厚度、油腔压力和温度的变化,并对理论分析和仿真模拟加以验证. 研究发现,高速下的静压轴承随着油膜厚度减小,油膜温度升高加快,其黏度下降导致高速运转下润滑油变稀,形成的动压不足以补偿压力损失的压降,导致低膜厚下工作转速升高油腔内压力值反而有所降低.


    Abstract: Due to the change of working speed (especially high speed) and the heat phenomenon in internal fluid caused by friction, the oil film becomes thinner in the running process of the hydrostatic bearing, which will affect the machining precision and operation reliability. In order to solve this problem, the dynamic mesh technique was used to explore the oil film lubrication characteristics of the hydrostatic bearing at high speed under variable viscosity conditions.The research method was based on the new Q1-205 double rectangular cavity hydrostatic thrust bearing, and the theoretical analysis model of bearing oil film lubrication was established. Using the dynamic mesh method, the C language compiler was used to edit the UDF program for controlling the movement of boundary layer grids and variable viscosity of lubricating oil, the dynamic performance of the bearing under the high rotational speed was simulated and analyzed by finite volume method, its speed included 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180 and 200 r/min. The influence laws of oil film thickness variation on oil cavity temperature, oil cavity pressure, fluid velocity and flow under different working speed conditions were revealed. Finally, this study investigated the oil film thickness, oil cavity pressure and temperature under conditions of different working speeds, and verified the theoretical analysis and simulation. It is found that the increase of the temperature of the oil film was accelerated with the decrease of the oil film thickness under the high speed conditions. The reason was that the viscosity of the lubricating oil was reduced at high temperatures, that is the reason for more pressure loss. The dynamic pressure formed was not sufficient to compensate for pressure loss at high speed. As a result, with the increase of working speed, the pressure in the oil cavity was reduced under the thickness of the low oil film.


