ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of Environment Humidity on Friction Behavior of MoS2-Au/SiCH Composite Lubricating System

  • 摘要: 本文中采用球-盘摩擦试验机重点考察了射频溅射沉积的MoS2-Au薄膜与SiCH润滑油构成的固体-液体复合润滑体系在潮湿环境中的摩擦行为. 结果表明:MoS2-Au/SiCH复合润滑体系在潮湿环境中表现出了良好的协同润滑效应,其在25 ℃时50%和70% RH湿度条件下具有较低的摩擦系数和磨损率. 拉曼光谱和红外光谱的分析结果证实在摩擦接触区域没有发生摩擦化学反应. 为此,我们提出了一个由于水在MoS2表面吸附而在摩擦接触区域形成MoS2-H2O-SiCH结构的模型,用以解释MoS2-Au/SiCH复合润滑体系在高湿环境中以及在循环湿度条件下的摩擦响应行为.


    Abstract: The friction behavior of MoS2-Au film /SiCH (silahydrocarbon) oil composite system was investigated in various humidities using a ball-on-disk tribometer. Compared with the single MoS2-Au solid film or SiCH oil lubrication condition, a synergy lubrication effect was displayed when they were combined to a composite system. The steady-state friction coefficient reduced largely as the environment was changed from low to high humidity, while wear rate varied in a inverse trend. The results of Raman and FTIR revealed that no tribo-chemical reactions occurred for SiCH oils during the friction. A structure model of dual liquid lubrication, combining SiCH with the adsorbed water on the base plane of MoS2, was proposed to explicate the friction behavior in high humidity, where the declined friction coefficient was attributed to the low shear strength at the interface of water and SiCH layers.


