ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Numerical Analysis of Steady-State and Dynamic Characteristics of Typical Molded Line Groove Dry Gas Seals

  • 摘要: 数值分析了斜直线、圆弧线、抛物线和超椭圆曲线等四种经典型线型槽干气密封(DGS)的稳动态特性及适用工况. 考虑轴向微扰,建立了干气密封稳、动态特性的数值分析模型,采用有限差分法求解稳态和微扰雷诺方程. 提出密封性能参数优化带以表征某型线型槽DGS的性能水平,分析不同型线型槽DGS密封性能优化带上边界随压缩数压力比和频率数的变化规律,给出不同工况条件下几种经典型线的最优形状系数优选值. 结果表明:通过密封端面型槽型线的合理设计有望大幅提高对数螺旋槽DGS的稳态密封性能,超椭圆槽DGS在高压缩数压力比条件下的气膜刚度和刚漏比,以及在低频条件下的阻尼系数均较对数螺旋槽DGS大幅提升,适用于高速、低压工况,而斜直线槽DGS适用于高压、低速工况;型线形状系数对DGS的稳动态特性影响显著,其最优值与目标函数和工况条件紧密相关.


    Abstract: The steady-state and dynamic characteristics and applicable operation condition of four types of dry gas seals (DGSs) with different kinds of molded lines, including circular arc, oblique line, parabola and superellipse curve, were analyzed numerically. The steady-state and dynamic characteristics numerical analysis model of DGS were established with consideration of axial disturbance based on perturbation method and solved by finite difference method. The sealing performance optimized band was proposed to characterizing the performance level of a given surface grooved DGS, the variation of sealing performance optimized band upper boundary and width of different DGSs with compressibility number to pressure ratio and frequency number were analyzed, and the optimized shape coefficient of typical molded lines based on multi-objective function under different working conditions were provided. The results show that the steady-state performance of spiral groove DGS could be enhanced remarkably by reasonable design of molded lines of surface groove. Compared to common spiral groove DGS, superellipse groove DGS possessed larger film stiffness and stiffness-leakage ratio at large value of compressibility number to pressure ratio and larger damping coefficient at the condition of low frequency, the applicable operation condition of which was high speed and/or low pressure, while the applicable operation condition of oblique groove DGS was high pressure and/or low speed. The shape coefficients of molded lines had a significant impact on steady-state and dynamic characteristics of DGSs, and the optimized values of which were strongly associated with objective function and operation condition.


