ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Experimental Study on Lubrication Characteristics of Coke Powder under Different Speeds and Loads

  • 摘要: 将焦粉导入摩擦副间,研究不同速度及载荷作用下钢、焦粉、耐火砖三体接触状态下焦粉润滑特性. XRD测试结果表明焦粉微晶结构发生石墨化. 通过对比无润滑及焦粉润滑对摩擦界面的影响,进一步验证了焦粉具有良好的润滑性能. 此外,通过改变试验的速度及载荷,探究不同速度及载荷作用下粉末层成形机理及焦粉润滑特性. 结果表明:载荷为5 MPa,速度分别为0.05、0.20和0.40 m/s时,速度越大,粉末层越厚,焦粉润滑性能越好;而速度为0.55 m/s时,由于速度过大,焦粉被抛出摩擦界面,表面发生严重磨损,并引发振动发生. 速度为0.40 m/s,载荷分别为5和15 MPa时,载荷越大,越不利于形成粉末层,载荷分别为20和25 MPa时,粉末层发生不同程度的破坏,表面磨损严重.


    Abstract: The coke powder was introduced into the friction pairs to study the lubrication characteristics of coke powder under the contact state of steel, coke powder and refractory brick under different speeds and loads. The XRD results showed that the coke powder was graphitized. By comparing the effect of non lubrication and coke powder lubrication on the friction interface, it is further proved that the coke powder had good lubrication performance. Furthermore, The forming mechanism of powder layer and the lubrication performance of coke powder under different speeds and loads were investigated. The results showed that under a load of 5MPa, the thickness of powder layer increased and hence the lubricating property of the coke powder as the velocity was increased from 0.05 m/s to 0.40 m/s; while at a speed of 0.55 m/s, the coke powder was thrown out of the friction interface, and severe wear and vibration were observed. Under a speed of 0.40 m/s, powder layer was formed under loads of 5 and 15 MPa; while powder layer was damaged to varying degrees resulting in severe wear under loads of 20 and 25 MPa.


