ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Frictional Characteristics of Esophageal Tissue under Different Lubricant Media

  • 摘要: 本文中模拟胃镜检查中胃镜前端进入食管的过程,研究了不同润滑介质(盐酸利多卡因、生理盐水、人工唾液、人工胃液)对胃镜绕管和食管黏膜界面减摩作用的影响. 结果表明:胃镜绕管与食管黏膜组织界面之间存在典型的黏-滑摩擦状态,摩擦力由黏着摩擦部分和变形摩擦部分组成,润滑介质通过改善界面间的润湿性可改变其黏着状态;不同润滑介质的润滑效果与介质的物理特性有关,盐酸利多卡因由于与绕管的接触角、表面自由能和粘附功较小,改善了界面间的润湿性,因此降低了界面间的摩擦阻力和摩擦系数,而人工胃液的作用正好相反. 研究结果为胃镜诊疗中润滑介质和内窥镜绕管的研制提供了理论依据.


    Abstract: In this study, the influences of different lubricant media (lidocaine hydrochloride, saline, artificial saliva and artificial gastric juice) on the anti-friction effect between gastroscopic wound tube and esophageal mucosa were investigated by simulating the process of the front-end of endoscope passing into the esophagus. The results show that there was a typical stick-slip friction state between the gastroscopic wound tube and the esophageal mucosa interface. The frictional force was composed of adhesive component and deformation component. The lubricant medium can change the adhesion state by improving the wettability of the wound tube-esophageal mucosa interface. The lubricating effects of different lubricant media were related to their physical properties. Lidocaine hydrochloride can improve the wettability of the interface due to its small contact angle, surface free energy and adhesion work with the wound tube, and thus reduced the interfacial frictional resistance and friction coefficient, while artificial gastric juice had the opposite effect. The results can provide a theoretical basis for the development of lubricant medium and endoscopic wound tube in gastroscopic diagnosis and treatment.


