ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Optimization Design of Fuel Pump Sliding Bearing Based on the Analysis of Lubrication Characteristics

  • 摘要: 磨损加剧是低介质黏度和自冷却结构燃油泵滑动轴承主要失效机制,为提高轴承使用寿命,论文提出了一种基于滑动轴承润滑特性分布规律的轴承优化设计方法. 首先基于油膜动压润滑流动的Reynolds方程和等效黏度润滑流动模型,以绝热流动为假设简化滑动轴承内部流动的能量方程,构建一种联合Reynolds方程和绝热流动能量积分方程的燃油泵滑动轴承热流润滑模型. 其次采用CFD数值模拟和有限差分法相结合的混合仿真方法,分别对不同间隙比、偏心率、宽径比条件下的滑动轴承的润滑特性进行了仿真,最后采用基于遗传算法的间接法优化方法进行滑动轴承结构优化设计. 研究结果表明:优化后的轴承偏心率为0.822 4,宽径比为1.2,油膜厚度为2.7 μm,平均温升为36 ℃,滑动轴承油膜承载力试验测试值与仿真计算值间的误差最大不超过5%,表明轴承能够很好地承受燃油泵的径向力载荷,从而保证轴承与轴瓦不发生摩擦接触并具有良好的润滑性能.


    Abstract: The aim of this study was to increase the lifetime and solve the problem of sliding bearing failure of aero fuel gear pump under the limitation of low medium viscosity and self-cooling structure. An optimal design strategy of sliding bearing based on the distribution law of lubrication characteristics was proposed. Based on the Reynolds equation for hydrodynamic lubrication of oil film and equivalent viscosity lubrication flow model, the energy equation of the internal flow was simplified by assuming the adiabatic flow of the gear pump sliding bearing. The thermal flow lubrication mathematical model of fuel pump sliding bearing was established based on the combination of Reynolds equation and adiabatic flow energy integral equation. Then the lubrication characteristics of sliding bearings were simulated based on CFD numerical simulation and finite difference method, and the lubrication characteristics were analyzed under different clearance ratio, eccentricity ratio and width diameter ratio. The characteristic curve of sliding bearing under different structural parameters was obtained to optimize the sliding bearing structure by adopting indirect optimization strategy of genetic algorithm. The simulation results show that the eccentricity and the width to diameter ratio of the optimized bearing can be 0.822 4 and 1.2, the oil film thickness was 2.7 μm, the average temperature was 36 degrees, which ensured that the bearing had a good lubricating performance and no friction contact between the bearing and the bushing. The capacity error between the experimental value and the calculated value of the optimized bearing was not more than 5%. The lubrication characteristic analysis method adopted had a high simulation accuracy and bearing had a better lubrication characteristics.


