ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Critical Transition Characteristics of Disintegration of Oil Film on Surface of a Rotating Disk

  • 摘要: 高速滚动轴承内圈和保持架等旋转运动件表面润滑油膜的流动铺展以及破碎为油带和油矢的特性决定着轴承的润滑与冷却状态. 在获得轴承旋转运动件拓扑结构—旋转圆盘表面油膜稳态流动特性的基础上,利用力学平衡和液体表面波不稳定破碎理论,建立表面油膜破碎转捩为油带和油矢的临界特性分析模型,分析和探讨了表面油膜的稳态流动特性以及供油量和润滑油物理特征参数对油膜破碎转捩临界特性的影响. 结果表明:表面油膜沿着圆盘径向逐渐变薄,因与圆盘表面存在滑移现象,其流动速度也随之减小;表面油膜破碎的临界波数和临界半径随着圆盘转速的增高而增大,临界厚度则随之减小;表面油膜破碎的临界半径和临界厚度随着润滑油供油量的增加而增大;增大润滑油密度,将延缓表面油膜破碎,破碎临界半径增大,临界厚度减小;增大润滑油的黏度和表面张力系数将促进表面油膜破碎,破碎临界半径减小. 与相关的试验结果对比验证了理论分析方法的正确性和可靠性.


    Abstract: The lubrication and cooling conditions of high-speed roller bearings are greatly affected by the flow and spread characteristics of oil film on the surface of rotating parts (e.g. inner ring and associated cages) and the disintegration characteristics of ligaments and fragments in aircraft power plant. Based on the calculation results of the steady flow of oil film on the surface of a rotating disk, which was a topological geometry of rotating part with roller bearing, a model to calculate the critical transition characteristics of which the film disintegrated into ligaments and fragments was proposed using force equilibrium and liquid film instability theory. Subsequently, the steady flow characteristics of film were presented, and effects of the oil flow rate and the physical properties of oil on the critical transition characteristics of disintegration were discussed in detail. The calculation results show preliminarily that the film thickness decreased gradually at the radial direction, and due to slip between film and disk surface film velocity also decreased at the radial direction. The critical wave number and radius increased and the critical thickness decreased with increasing shaft speed. The critical radius of film disintegration increased with increasing oil flow rate and density, with decreasing the oil viscosity and surface tension coefficient. However, the critical thickness decreased with increasing oil density, and with increasing oil flow rate and viscosity. The critical thickness was shown to be influenced insignificantly by oil surface tension coefficient. The model proposed in the present work was validated by compared with the relevant experimental data.


