ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of Volume Fraction on Electrorheological Effect of Suspension Based on Zeolite and Silicone Oil

  • 摘要: 用 HAAKE RV2 0型流变仪 ,在不同外加电场强度和不同颗粒体积分数下测试了基于沸石和硅油的电流变液的剪切应力变化 .结果表明 :随着外加电场强度升高 ,电流变液的零电场粘度急剧增加 ,电流变液的剪切屈服应力增加 ;随着电流变液中沸石颗粒体积分数升高 ,电流变液的剪切屈服强度急剧上升 .这种变化可以用颗粒间作用力与颗粒间距的关系、单位面积的颗粒链数目变化以及多体作用对电流变液性能的影响来解释


    Abstract: The shear stress of suspensions based on zeolite and silicone oil under different dc elelctric field and different particle volume fractions was investigated. Results showed that the suspensions behaved as Newtonian fluid in the absence of electric field and as Bingham fluid in the presence of an electric field. The shear yield stress of the suspensions increased with the increase of the applied field strength. It increased greatly with the increase of particle volume fraction as well. The relationship between the volume faction and the shear yield stress is even higher than that predicted by the inverse ratio between the particle interaction force and the square of gap between he particles. This was attributed to the distortion of the adsorbed additives that might decrease the real distance between the particles and the multi-body effect of ER fluids under high volume fractions that significantly increased the shear yield stress.


